‘Your Day is My Night’ Plays Los Angeles

Your Day is My Night opened CalArts’ 2014 screening series at the REDCAT Theater on January 20th. Lynne and I flew out from NYC to present the film and we couldn’t have been happier with the quality projection and lively discussion around the film. While Lynne headed north to visit CalArts, I took a few […]

Sight & Sound: Best Films of 2013

Film critic Sukhdev Sandhu placed Your Day is My Night on his best films of 2013 list for Sight & Sound’s online magazine, writing: “New York’s Chinatown, a place as much spectral as real, flickers and flares into life in this singular hybrid of documentary, performance piece and cine-monologue. Seven working-class, immigrant residents of a shift-bed apartment […]

“The Line Blurs:” Morals of Filmmaking

Lynne recently participated in a panel discussion on approaches to narrative-documentary hybridity at the fabulous DCTV. Filmmaker Magazine has this recap from the event: “The Line Blurs:” Morals of Filmmaking by Sara Salovaara, December 12, 2013 “Anything that happens in front of the camera is some kind of performance,” said experimental filmmaker Lynne Sachs at […]

Thoughts from a UCSC film student

I’m grateful I had the opportunity to see Lynne Sachs’s Your Day Is My Night and hear her speak about it afterward. Her hybrid documentary had me constantly thinking back on my observations and experiences as a young kid spending my summers in the border town of Calexico, Ca. My grandpa owned a ranch one […]

Article: la ficción del documento

Co-writer (and on set photographer!) Rojo Robles wrote a nice piece about the making of the film for the website 80grados.net. We’re reposting it here for all to enjoy! Your Day is my Night: la ficción del documento Rojo Robles March 22, 2013 La cita era para las 8:00pm y el studio de Sofía Gallisá […]

Review: Memphis’ Bloodshot Eye Blog

Sharing a blurb from John Beifuss’ review of the third day of the Indie Memphis Film Festival published on Commercial Appeal’s The Bloodshot Eye blog. Indie Memphis Film Festival 2013, Day Three (Excerpt) By John Beifuss on November 1, 2013 Memphis-born Lynne Sachs hosts this screening of what may be the most accessible and emotionally […]

Q&A Session: NYU Screening

The Asian / Pacific / American Institute at New York University recently hosted a screening of Your Day is My Night on October 2nd with Lynne and the whole cast present.  They posted the full conversation on Youtube which is embedded below. A very special thanks to Lesley Yiping Qin for the terrific translation during […]

Review: San Diego Asian Film Festival

We just love this write-up by Christina Ree for the San Diego Asian Film Festival! Your Day is My Night at the San Diego Asian Film Festival “Moon… working / sun… sleep.” Shift beds, which exist in China and below-the-radar in the U.S., provide a place to sleep by the hour, largely for the working […]