Afternoon Headaches: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

can alcohol cause migraines

Dark-colored alcohols like red wine, brandy, and whiskey may contain more of them. A cocktail headache is a headache that occurs within the same evening of drinking alcohol. Unlike a hangover headache, cocktail headaches can be caused by even small amounts of alcohol. If you develop a cocktail headache, take care to rest and nourish your body with water, electrolytes, and a healthy fruit or vegetable snack if possible. It’s interesting to note that cocktail headaches are much rarer than hangover headaches, and they can be triggered by variable amounts of alcohol.

  • Observations with missing information in any of the independent variables were handled with listwise deletion, that is, only complete cases were used for parameter estimation.
  • About 1/3 of people with migraine say dehydration is a trigger, and for some, even the slightest hint of dehydration can be the fast track to debilitating head pain.
  • Hi, I’m Dr. Amaal Starling, a neurologist at Mayo Clinic specializing in headache disorders.
  • Genes that play a role in opioid, serotonin, and dopamine systems also influence alcohol sensitivity.
  • Changes in nerve pathways, neurotransmitters, and other brain chemicals can trigger a migraine.
  • There has been some research into the effect alcohol has in increasing blood flow to certain parts of the brain, but whether this causes or relieves headache symptoms depends largely on the type of headache.

How Do You Know When Alcohol Triggers Your Migraines?

Several studies suggest that alcohol, especially red wine, may trigger migraine attacks. If you’re prone to migraine attacks, it’s wise to avoid alcoholic beverages altogether. However, if you do drink, be sure to do so in moderation and stay hydrated. There are many possible triggers for migraine attacks, including stress, bright lights, loud noises, weather changes, certain foods and drinks, and changes in sleep or hormone patterns to name a few.

Alcohol as a Migraine Trigger

  • We now know that migraine is a brain disease, not a disease of the blood vessels as it was once thought to be.
  • Find out why alcoholic drinks can cause problems for migraine sufferers and what you can do to prevent alcohol-related migraines.
  • Many times, they would get a headache after drinking red wine or bourbon.
  • It has been noted in some studies that in less than 30 percent of people, red wine triggers headache no matter the number of drinks consumed.
  • We do not know for sure, though, how any specific type of alcoholic beverage will affect people with migraine.

If alcohol is a trigger for you, it may be best to not drink at all. However, if you find that small amounts of alcohol don’t seem to trigger your attacks, be sure to stick to small amounts when you drink. “Tyranny of the trigger”Vives-Mestres told MSC she was surprised by the results, which directly challenge the widespread belief that alcohol is a common trigger for migraine. She found it somewhat challenging to explain how alcohol reduced the likelihood of migraine attacks.

How alcohol can disrupt our sleep and trigger migraine

Having a mild intolerance to alcohol or something else in alcoholic beverages might not require a trip to a doctor. Simply avoid alcohol, limit how much you drink or avoid certain types of alcoholic beverages. Migraines and their triggers are very individual – what affects one person may cause no problems for the next. Many migraine sufferers find that keeping a diary helps them identify their own personal triggers and understand alcohol and headaches their patterns of migraines better. Sulphites are often blamed for causing headaches too (though not migraines specifically),9 and white wine usually contains higher levels of sulphites than red wine. To define this important issue, we have reviewed alcohol as a trigger of primary headaches and discussed the possible correlation of the results with the principal pathogenetic theories of the primary headaches.

The carbon dioxide gas bubbles in Champagne help your body to absorb the alcohol faster. The bubbles increase the pressure in your stomach, which forces alcohol out through your stomach’s lining and into your bloodstream for faster absorption. Look for white wine that is not too sweet and a little on the dry side. Pinot Grigio, chardonnay or sauvignon blanc would be a good place to start and are generally easy to find.

can alcohol cause migraines

Test to see if alcohol (beer, wine, clear liquors, bourbon etc.) is a trigger by consuming a modest amount and then waiting 30 minutes to 3 hours to see if a migraine attack ensues. Menstruation was found to increase the likelihood that food and drinks would be more likely to trigger an attack. This is linked to the threshold theory, or Bucket Theory, where a stacking of triggers will induce a migraine attack.

  • Tannins can be found in other drinks including, tea, coffee and chocolate.
  • Certain additives can increase the chance of developing a headache after drinking.
  • Red dots represent the median individual probability, and vertical lines represent the individual 95% CI.
  • The mechanisms of alcohol-provoking headache were discussed in relationship to the principal pathogenetic theories of primary headaches.
  • It can also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light and sound.
can alcohol cause migraines

Red dots represent the median individual probability, and vertical lines represent the individual 95% CI. These probabilities (red dots) serve as reference for the other three panels. When there was alcohol intake on day‐2 (regardless of intake on day‐1, Figure 1C,D) the probability of migraine attack was lower compared to when there was no alcohol intake in both day‐1 and day‐2 (red dots).

What to know about headaches after alcohol

As a freelance writer, he turns basic, translational, and clinical research into high-quality news, features, interviews, meeting reports, and podcasts. As a person, he is one half of one of two sets of twins in his family. Learn more about the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol. If a headache persists or worsens, visit a doctor for an examination and treatment recommendations. However, the research suggests that alcohol may not be the only trigger and may also depend on other factors. This leads to excessive urination and dehydration, which may cause a headache after a small amount of alcohol.

can alcohol cause migraines